Thursday, May 6, 2010

Disaster Relief and Volunteering

Even though we are barely half way through it appears as though 2010 will be known as the year of natural (and man-made) disasters. Already we've seen devastating earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, an oil spill that threatens to alter the biodiversity of the gulf coast for generations and a flood that has devastated Music City and destroyed hundreds of years of music history in Tennessee. With all that being said - what are you doing?

Disasters such as the one's we've seen in 2010, can be used as an opporunitiy to re-affirm one's committment to volunteering and volunteerism. Think about those who volunteer with enviromental action groups who have left their lives, careers and families to offer their time and skill to protect the precious marshland of Louisiana's gulf coast. Or the international response from organzizations such as The Red Cross and Research in Motion who were immediately on hand in Haiti to offer aid and resources. Volunteers, such as those listed, are at the heart of disaster relief and aid. They are on the ground, behind the scenes, they are engaged in everything from medical relief to fundraising. The most important trait that all these incredible people share is that they take action. They are examples of what we all should be doing in our lives - taking action for things we are passionate for.

I challenge you to take action in your communities in honour of those currently affected by the disasters of 2010. Be there, be present, be engaged and take action. Start now by being a mentor or an example to our younger generations so that as they grow they develop a respect for the effect volunteerism has on our world and can become those incredible volunteers who would leave their lives behind to aid others in times of crisis.

To all those have volunteered or continue to volunteer in disaster relief across our world. Thank you for being an inspiration and reminding us about the importance of giving time.

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